Wednesday 28 September 2011

Analysis of a music website

This is the front page of the official site for the popular artist 'Example'.

The most eye catching thing from the moment you access the site is the large image showcasing the artists upcoming UK Tour. It is placed above everything, even the site navigation buttons to show its importance. This is done typically to catch fans attention to make them aware of the tour, where it takes place, dates, etc. Very stereotypical of a music website.

Below this is the main block of the website. It follows codes and conventions by having the navigational buttons placed along the top. Making them easy to be found and easily accessible. It has the normal 'Tour', 'Tickets', 'Albums' and other typical things you'd expect to see.
The website is of a solid black colour with text being a deep pink to contrast so it stands out, without being alarming. With that said however, with the websites main page being of a blog style, information about his upcoming tour has been highlighted with the same pink to make it stand out more, showing importance and drawing people in.
Profile pictures on the facebook bar have been blocked for friends privacy.

The site employs aspects of the modern technical age, by including bars on the side linking you to the artists facebook page, and twitter feed. This again, is to draw more fans and link more people into it.

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